Hydro-geophysical characterization and performance evaluation of natural wetlands in a semi-arid wastewater irrigated landscape

Sahebrao Sonkamble, Sahya A, Jampani M, Ahmed S, Amerasinghe A


Energy efficient wastewater treatment methods are the current environmental concerns which prompted for the applications of natural wetlands as an efficient wastewater treatment systems at urban areas. Yet, the efficiency determining factors such as structure and functions of natural wetlands for enhanced wastewater treatment is rarely studied. We examined the wastewater fed natural wetlands to decipher the effective depth of physico-chemical and microbial reactions and hydrogeological attributes that enhance the wastewater quality within Musi River basin, India, through integrated hydro-geophysical, biogeochemical and bathymetric studies. The lower order of electrical resistivity range 10-35 Ωm and hydraulic conductivity 2.938 md-1 acquired for saturated weathered zone were found catalyzing the bioremediation, sedimentation, adsorption, redox reactions and ion exchange processes.


Major findings

  • Wetlands with deep-seated bedrock have greater treatment potential 
  • Natural wetlands play a significant role in removal of pollutants in nature
  • Strategies for designating a natural wetland as a treatment system is designed

Published in Water Research 148, 176-187 (IF 7.051) doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2018.10.040 
